Gartner Symposium: Enterprise Applications in a Web-Centric World

Either this session was way over my head or these guys weren’t really saying anything. They threw around a lot of terminology and buzz-words. Here’s a list of the top buzz-words that seemed to be central to the point they were making:

  • Web 2.0: Community, Mash-ups
  • SOA (Service Oriented Architecture, spelling it out for anyonenot familiar with the acronym)
  • WOA
  • Rich Internet Applications (RIA) & AJAX (a subset of RIA)
  • Extreme Self-Service
  • Data-driven proces

About all I could really hang my hat on was the section on “Disciplines of Market Leaders.” Essentially there are four disciplines and successful businesses must focus attention on one or more of these four areas and refine their process and distinguish themselves to succeed in their sector.

  • Customer Intimacy
  • Product Leadership
  • Operational Excellence
  • Brand Excellence

It organizations need to leverage web technologies to help the chosen strategy succeed.

The recommendations also brought the presentation down from the stratosphere to something I could get a hold of:

  • Revisit the idea of self-service as a way of doing less to create more value.
  • Ensure that all new applications introduced into the portfolio are Web 2.0-centric.
  • Review vendor plans to make existing applications Web 2.0-centric.
  • Take a balanced view across technology, business model and delivery model when determining the effects of Web 2.0 on your applications.

I still need to apply some brain clock-cycles to apply these recommendations to my environement and organization.

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